Be Your Best

For the past few weeks I have been inspired by the theme of "Being Your Best."  The first time I heard about it was at church. The pastor was talking about putting your Iron Man Suit on for your family, for your marriage, and protecting them and honoring them as would Iron Man himself.  The other day Martha Stewart was on Oprah and had the same outlook for herself, her career, which was do your very best at whatever job you have.  It made me stop and realize that I do that for some parts of my life, but not all of them.  And when I don't do "My Best" I can tell and wish I had. Because when you do give your all, whether that be to your family, your friends, your marriage, your job, you feel good about it! You know you are giving your 100 percent with no expectations, and then your reward is feeling great about yourself!  It also starts a wonderful ripple effect that will far surpass any expectations you may have had.  But don't do it for the rewards, do it because it's the right thing to do.  And see what happens......


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