Motivational Monday with Denise Austin
Seize the Moment!
Taking the steps you need to take to live well and feel your best, and that's all that matters! Rather than dwelling on the past or stressing about the future, you're seizing the moment and taking action in the present! That's great!
Have you heard of being mindful? Mindfulness means paying attention to the present moment. Being aware of the actions you take and the choices you have control over — that's what will help you meet your goals and improve your life! For example, when you eat, don't just put food in your mouth or snack blindly because you're stressed or preoccupied. Pay attention to your portion sizes and think about whether you're already feeling full. Being mindful helps you enjoy your meals and keeps you on the path toward a healthy body weight!
Are there any times in your daily routine when you find yourself snacking without thinking — in front of the TV, at the office, in the car? Make a point to pause, take a few deep breaths, and try to refocus on the here and now! You can do it!
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