10 Things Never to Say to a Working Mom

by Liz Gumbinner of MOM-101.com

  1. It must be hard missing all those special moments every day.
  2. I suppose it's smart that you're working. You know, in case your husband leaves you some day.
  3. I'm surprised you went back to work. Your husband seems so successful.
  4. It's cute when they call your nanny "Mama."
  5. I just love my kids too much to leave them during the day.
  6. Did you see Dateline? The one with the hidden camera in the day care?
  7. I could never let someone else raise my children. But that's just me!
  8. I hated my mom because she was never home after school like everyone else's mom.
  9. You must feel so guilty.
  10. I wish I were as laid-back as you and could just let the housework go.


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