Order Me to Relax

It seems in my daily routine of spending time with my 4 boys and my husband, maintaining household needs (laundry, cleaning, bills, groceries), and cooking 3 meals a day, I still find time to "Order Me to Relax," and put my feet up.  It's like I forget sometimes, that I need all that care too! Today I felt it was overdue, so I ordered some fabulous popcorn from Chicago, bought myself some Chai Tea discs for the coffee maker, and took a nice long hot bath! I put a roast in the crockpot hours ago, and I got grocery shopping done 2 days early! All to keep my pace today at the relaxed state it needs to be for me to feel- Fabulous!

Moms/ladies, don't forget to Order Yourself to Relax sometimes! You deserve it!


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